Shipping Info

Shipment processing time

-All orders are processed within 1-2 days. Expect to get it
within 10-20 business days, after purchase, depending on customs clearance. USA deliveries may be a bit quicker than the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Almost all European and Asian countries will experience longer ship times.

Domestic shipping rates and delivery estimates


Shipment method

Estimated delivery time

Shipment cost

Free Shipping

7-14 business days


Standard Shipping

5-10 business days



Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.

*Add any disclaimers related to shipping services you offer, shipping location limitations, and if delivery delays may occur.


Shipment confirmation and order tracking

Once order has been place, customers will receive a shipment confirmation and tracking number. You will able to track your order with the tracking number.


If you received your order damaged, please contact the shipment carrier or our support team directly to file a claim. Please save all packaging material and damaged goods before filing a claim.

International shipping rates and delivery estimates

Shipment method

Estimated delivery time

Shipment cost

Free Shipping

8-14 business days


Standard Shipping

5-12 business days



Customs may delay international orders. State whether or not shipments or deliveries occur on weekends or holidays. Communicate what the customer should expect if your company is experiencing a high volume of orders, and if they should expect any delays. Let them know how you will communicate these changes.